Jeweller  & Silversmith


I started training as a jeweller at the age of sixteen, first working for a renowned jewellery designer, going on to college and finally studying both silversmithing and jewellery at Sheffield School of Art. After leaving Sheffield in 1984 I set up in business designing and making my own range of jewellery along with taking on specialist commission work. I am lucky enough to have been working at my bench since then!

Using the qualities of the metals and stones in their various forms makes designing each piece a challenge. To watch a piece develop as the form and shape changes during the making process is both fascinating and exciting.

All my jewellery and larger silversmithing pieces are hand made therefore no two pieces are the same.

The website can only show a representative selection of my work, choosing a piece of jewellery is very personal and takes a great deal of time and thought.

If you are looking for a unique gift or maybe treating yourself to something special then do come and visit the workshop (by appointment only), meet myself, see the work properly and the place that it is created.